About Gurdwara Mata Sahib Kaur Ji
The Gurdwara Sahib in Minto was closed down for about six months for some reasons. A few like minded people felt that Guru’s House should never close down. So with God’s grace we took it on ourselves as our moral duty to again open up the Gurudwara.
The project was dependent on the right like-minded ‘caretaker’, and the right individual stepped in. Jasvinder Singh Ji from Melbourne gave a commitment to perform the daily duties for five years and continued to stay at the Gurdwara. He passed away on 30 Dec 2017. He dedicated the later years of his life to the sewa of Panth and for Gurdwara Mata Sahib Kaur Ji. He is missed by all who knew him. We are blessed to have a very learned Preacher (Granthi) to provide us religious guidance at the Gurdwara Sahib and pray to Waheguru that we will continue to benefit from his guidance and knowledge.
The local sangat has continued to be very supportive of the cause and are doing sewa, simran and contributing financially in this endeavour.
The name of the Gurdwara was formally changed to Gurdwara Mata Sahib Kaur Ji on Vaisakhi of 2010 to honour the the mother of Khalsa Panth Mata Sahib Kaur Ji.
Annual Samagam
Annual Samagam for the 2022 year, we will be having a month long commemoration starting with special event from 5th to 12th June 2022. We are expecting a number of renowned Sikh preachers from across the world to participate in this event.
Earlier Samagam & Akhand Paaths
Annual Samagam for the 2018 year, we had a month long commemoration finishing with special event from 3rd to 10 June 2018. We had a number of renowned Sikh preachers from across the world who participated in this event.
Annual Samagam for the 2017 year, we had a month long commemoration starting with special event from 4th to 11 June 2017. We were graced by a number of renowned Sikh preachers from across the world and the local congregation really benefitted from the presence of these renowned Sikh preachers.
In the year 2016, Samagan was held on 3rd, 4th and 5th June 2016. The Samagam had participants and Sikh Preachers from many countries attend. It was such a success that it has been decided to make this an Annual affair for the congregation of Gurdwara Mata Sahib Kaur Ji
From 2012 Akhand Paaths were done every weekend till end of 2014.
In 2010 after the overwhelming sucess of 1 1/2 yrs of Akhand Paaths there were 104 Akhand Paaths (Two every week). First Akhand Paath started on Monday evening and bhog on Wednesday evening. Then there was Akhand Jaap on Thursday from morning till evening. Then second Akhand paath started on Friday morning with Bhog on Sunday followed by weekly satsang.
With the blessings of Waheguru 52 (One every weekend) Akhand Paaths were done in 2009. On the last weekend of every month the Akhand Paath was done by the sangat for Chardikala of the Youths who are coming to Australia for studies and those who have been born and brought up here so that they remain in touch with Sikhi, our rich culture and heritage.
In 2008 the sangat at Gurdwara Mata Sahib Kaur Ji did six months of Akhand Paaths every weekend.
We are a small Gurdwara and are always in need of donations.
No donation is too small. To make any kind of donation please click.
Job Vacancies
We are a looking for a full time Granthi (Minister of Religion) for our organisation.
Kindly email your details to our email address on contact page.